Diagnostics & Pathology Lab in Noida & Ghaziabad

Covid-19: Once in a Lifetime Pandemic!

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented public health and economic crises. By some estimates coronavirus crisis is the biggest epidemic in the last 100 years.


Covid sickness (COVID-19) is an infectious disease brought about by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Many people infected with the virus will encounter mild respiratory disease and recuperate without requiring unique treatment. Nonetheless, some will turn out to be genuinely sick and require clinical consideration. Individuals having prior ailments like cardiovascular infection, diabetes, ongoing respiratory sickness, or disease are prone to serious illness because of the virus.

The ideal way to tackle with Coronavirus transmission is to be informed about the infection and how it spreads. These are some of the precautions to be used to tackle Covid-19 at individual level:

  • Maintain 3-4 feet distance from the people around you especially strangers
  • Wearing an appropriately fitted  face cover while interacting with people in close proximity
  • Use an alcohol based sanitizer with 70% base to sanitize hands
  • Try to socialize in more open areas rather than in narrow rooms
  • Get yourself vaccinated from the Govt approved medical centres

As Covid-19 waves are coming back in regular intervals every year, we need to keep our guard up against it. We should always be on the lookout for the SYMPTOMS of Covid-19 virus:


Most common symptoms:

Feeling Tired
Loss of Smell or Taste

More serious symptoms:

Shortness of Breath
Chest Paint
Loss of Speech

Other Important Questions to ask yourself will be:

Have you had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus? (Close contact means having been within 6 feet of that person for an extended time, or being exposed to their cough or sneeze.)

Have you been notified by a public health official that you have potentially been exposed to COVID-19?

If any of the above mentioned symptoms or questions have an affirmative YES, then it is time for you to first get yourself checked for Covid-19 virus infection. While PCR tests look for the presence of a virus’s genetic material, antigen tests look for specific proteins on a virus’s surface. Antigen tests produce results more quickly, but may be less sensitive. 

People who test positive for the coronavirus (and those exposed to them) should isolate themselves for two weeks, and contact tracing should be done to prevent the infection from spreading. Without enough testing, the coronavirus spreads “silently”. By the time severe cases begin to surge in hospitals, outbreaks are larger and much harder to control. These outbreaks can be detected earlier—and their severity lessened—by testing more people.

IQ Diagnostics is an NABL Accredited lab for Covid-19 testing & provides Free Home Collection across Noida, Ghaziabad & Greater Noida for the same.

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